How to view Activity Log?

How to view Activity Log?

Your Activities Log shows all activities done in ioMoVo app from your personal account. Quick Links Submenu allows quick accessibility to activities page. You can monitor daily activities and keep eyes on unusual activities from Activity Log. It maintains history of the files. You can expand the file activity to view the history of activities done in the same file. The search criteria filter your records according to your requirements. You can sort the list according to latest creation date and high to low storage size. If record list is too long, it is recommended to select row per page selection for better visibility. Back and forth button at the bottom navigate you through the record list. You can view the Activity log from the Account Settings page also.

Get an actionable insights into all of your digital assets through Activity Log.


You can filter your records in search filed by giving calendar dates and years. Suppose you want to see three months current Activity Log report starting from March. Select starting date and month in March for the current year and ending date and month after 3 months from March. The search result will display three months Activity log report starting from March for the current year. You can filter yearly report through Calendar data. 

If record list is too long, it is recommended to select row per page selection for better visibility. Back and forth button at the bottom navigate you through the record list.

To view Activity Log, perform the following actions:

  1. Click Settings button at top right corner or Activity Log from Quick Links Submenu at Home screen, the Activities page opens.
  2. Select date and year in calendar to filter the records.
  3. Sort Created and Storage size category, if required.
  4. Expand file activities by clicking the expandable icon  besides the file.
  5. Select row per page selection, if the list is long.

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