How to delete an existing card details?

How to delete an existing card details?

You can conveniently add a new card for the payment of your billing transactions. Or you can choose the existing card, if you have already added. The card is added in the Billing section of the Account Setting page. When you are managing subscription or adding/purchasing add-ons, you need to do payment through card. However, if card is already not added in Billing section, you can add card any time before the payment.

If the existing card is expired or no more in function, you can delete the existing card details from the Billing Information page.
Billing Information page opens at Billing tab.

You can access the Billing Information page in three ways:
  1. Click Settings button at top right corner, the Account Setting page appears.
  2. Click View Account option from Account Management button at top right corner, the Account Setting page appears.
  3. Click billing Information link from the Quick Links sub menu at the Home screen.
To delete an existing card details, perform the following actions:
  1. Click Settings button at top right corner or Billing Information link at Home screen, the Account Setting page appears.
  2. Click Billing tab, the Billing page appears.
  3. Click ellipses next to the card, the drop-down appears.
  4. Click Delete, the Delete message box appears.
  5. Click Yes to delete the card.
  6. Click cancel to resume the card.

Read the articles on how to add a new card for payment?
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